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  1. Backyard Wrestling Sport*USA*Sports channel.
  2. Bahn TV*Germany*Channel dedicated to the traffic.
  3. Ballroom TV*Germany*Sport TV.
  4. Baseball Channel*USA*Sports TV.
  5. BBS Parliament*UK*TV from the United Kingdom Parliament.
  6. BEC TV*USA*
  7. Belarus TV*Belarus*First National TV channel.
  8. BFM TV*France*News and Entertainment.
  9. Bid TV*UK*Online auction TV.
  10. Bigpond Sport Channel*Australia*Sports TV.
  11. Bigpond Sport 2*Australia*Sport TV.
  12. Bloomberg TV Asia-Pacific*China*Business news.
  13. Bloomberg TV Brazil*Brazil*Business news.
  14. Bloomberg TV France*France*Business news.
  15. Bloomberg TV Germany*Germany*Business news.
  16. Bloomberg TV Italy*Italy*Business news.
  17. Bloomberg TV Japan*Japan*Business news.
  18. Bloomberg TV Spain*Spain*Business news.
  19. Bloomberg TV UK*UK*Business news.
  20. Bloomberg TV USA*USA*Business news.
  21. BME TV*UK*TV channel dedicated to support black and minority ethnic persons who wish to access or develop a career in the creative industries.
  22. Boardriders TV Sport*France*TV channel dedicated to boardriding.
  23. Bundesligen TV*Germany*Soccer channel.
  24. BYWN Channel 125*USA*Sport TV.

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